Get LISTED as The Top in Your Industry and Get EXCLUSIVE (Yes, Really!) Leads in YOUR Zip Code From Members Requesting Your Services!

Industries Available

  • Real Estate Agent
  • Mortgage Loan Originators
  • Insurance Agents
  • Contractors
  • Home Inspectors
  • Attorneys

and more...

Register and Take the Survey to Become a Hexpert!

Are You a Professional That is Involved in Real Estate Whether Directly or Indirectly? (i.e. Agent, Loan Officer, General Contractor, Insurance, Home Inspector, etc.)

Then Take our Survey and See How You Rank and Get Listed in our Directory as the Top Professional in Your Field in Your Area!

Get EXCLUSIVE Leads Contacting YOU for Your Business! Why? Because You Do What is Right!

What a Novel Concept, Right?

And You Get This For as Little as $7 a Month!! Seriously!

What We Do

Get you LEADS!!! How? By providing a much-needed service for consumers actively shopping for YOUR service! We don’t use home listings or “bait and switch” type tactics. Our ads are geared to consumers looking for help with these services and NOT just a specific property. We promote this platform and what it offers the consumer. By joining for free, not only are they provided the best/ethical professionals, they also have access to industry information and updates specific to their location. In addition, they have the option to get their questions answered anonymously which is HUGE. The average consumer does not have a good and reliable resource to get their questions asked and answered without fear of pushy sales people and/or spam. Think about it… often do you see consumers blindly ask their questions to the social media public? You see that it often leads to mis-leading/incorrect information, 10,000 agent responses, and/or a blown-up inbox!

Did that really help or have them shut down feeling even more overwhelmed than before?

Why Us?

You don’t HAVE to use us if you enjoy paying thousands of dollars to those other “lead companies” with high up front and recurring costs. This platform was designed as a resource for top professionals (moral and ethically) to have access to inexpensive leads from consumers actively needing help. We simply got tired of seeing consumers end up with professionals doing them a disservice and who were selected simply because the “professional” was willing to pay more for advertising.

What We Do and Don’t Do

We Do

  • Require our professionals (Hexperts) to complete a survey which scores you based on you knowing and doing what is right.

  • Provide INEXPENSIVE and EXCLUSIVE leads

  • Provide you opportunities to reach out to consumers still searching for the right professional for their needs through our “Ask the Hexpert”, through our "Ask the Hexpert" Feature

  • Build YOUR reputation by being an exclusive member of our ethical organization

  • Charge ALL Hexperts the same dollar amount for a specific zip code regardless of rank

  • Limit Hexperts to 5 zip codes (no more having a single professional “buy up” all the areas)

We Don’t

  • Care about “how long you’ve been in business” or “how much you’ve sold”

    You know your profession. We care about your ethics, morals, and generally how you treat clients.

  • Require a large out of pocket expense to join

    Most zip codes are exclusive for as little as $7/month!!! (NOT a type-o!)

    — As an example, currently the Beverly Hills Zip Code (90210) runs $96.10/month for exclusive access!

    — Out of 37,154 zip codes:

    • 34,195 are LESS than $10/month!!`

    • 31,804 are $7/month!!


    • There is no “ad spend” or other surprise charges

  • Permit you to pay more money to increase your ranking/lead potential in a zip code

  • Capture leads by utilizing home listings (no more “just want to see this house” leads that aren’t serious)

  • Permit you to stay a member if we discover you had an ethics violation

  • Lock you into a membership contract

  • Spam you or consumers

  • Sell your information

Hexpert Member Benefits

Membership BENEFITS Includes

  • LEADS!!!!

    — When a consumer joins (for FREE) and types in a zip code and industry, the Platinum Hexpert in that zip code will automatically be forwarded that consumer’s contact information so they can immediately reach out! This is only sent to the #1 ranked professional (Platinum) in their industry for that specific zip code the member selects.

    — Relax…. if you’re not ranked #1 (Platinum), the consumer can view all Hexperts in the zip code. The next 4 top scores are highlighted as our Gold ranked members. You will also automatically receive the lead if they click to receive your contact information.

  • Being Listed as #1 or Top Best in Your Industry for Your Zip Code!

  • Become a Resource and Get a Reputation for Being the Expert in Our “Ask the Hexpert” Section

    — Members can anonymously ask the industry professional a question and each Hexpert will be forwarded the question and have the opportunity to respond. While you won’t be sent the member’s contact information, it is recommended you provide a professional response. Your contact information will be sent to the member with your response so they will call YOU!!

  • New Customers From Member Referrals

  • EXTREMELY Affordable Advertising

    — Most zip codes can be exclusive for as little as $7 a month! In fact, over 85% of them!

As You’re Aware, This Sure Beats the $3,000+/month That Many of You May Pay for Claimed “Exclusive” Leads Through Other Companies. Not to Mention Them Selling Your Personal Information to Who Knows Who.

How To Start


Click “Register and Take Survey”


Complete the basic contact information fields

— Select your profession (NOTE: If you practice in more than 1 profession, you can only select one at a time. When checkout is completed, you can add another profession and complete that survey from your portal.) FYI – The survey questions vary per profession


Take the survey provided for your profession


Once the survey is completed, you’ll be directed to the zip code selection


Select up to 5 zip codes. The monthly price is listed next to the zip code.


Select “Final Step” once your zip codes are selected


Complete the rest of your bio and upload your profile picture and company logo (optional but highly recommended)


Click “Complete/Go to Checkout”


Congratulations!! You’re now directed to your portal. Remember to check back frequently and be sure to review your inbox and “Ask the Hexpert” section.

Register and Take the Survey to Become a Hexpert!