Frequently Asked Questions

For Real Estate Agents – FAQ’s

Simply due to the nature of how the company is set up and to keep all-around costs as low as possible, we do require the payment of a referral fee of 30% of all gross commissions received by the Hexpert to be paid to Home Expert Connect for any customers obtained and closed through this service. Please note, we are VERY fair about this and not like most “pay per close” companies. You are ONLY required to pay a referral fee at closing for any gross commission received for the HEC member within 24 months of you receiving their contact information off our platform. We do NOT require any compensation from any referrals of their friends or family unless they too, reached out to you via our platform.

This is very different to what you may have seen. Use our members to grow your business through referrals and only pay us for the customer you initially received from our service! How’s THAT for fair!!??

Real Estate Agent FAQ’s

  1. How much is the referral fee?

    1. 30% of your gross commission earned on ANY transaction with that customer and/or spouse/significant other/child (same household) received within 24 months of receiving the member information off our platform.

  1. I received a member lead but they have since cancelled their membership on the Home Expert Connect Platform. Am I still required to pay the referral fee?

    1. Yes. Whether the consumer is a current member or not is irrelevant. If you received the contact information through our platform, you owe us the referral fee.

  1. The member is buying AND selling their current home. Am I required to pay the referral fee on both transactions?

    1. Yes. Any and all gross commission for that member and spouse/significant other/child.

  1. I got 3 referrals from a HEC member. Am I required to pay a referral fee for any of them?

    1. No. We only require you pay a referral fee on transactions resulting directly from the HEC member whether it was for them or a spouse/significant other/child.

  1. What if I forget to pay the fee?

    1. If you catch the mistake, you can notify us of the error and arrangements will be made. When we catch the error, that could have potential consequences with your membership and/or result in a lawsuit to recover. If it is determined to be an honest oversight, there could be a penalty fee added to the referral fee as detailed in our Agent Terms and Conditions Agreement.

  1. Out of sheer curiosity, what would happen if I refused to pay the referral fee?

    1. Please don’t find out. You are a member here because of your ethics and business practice. This would be a direct violation and subject you to permanent termination of membership with no refund. In addition, we would pursue legal recourse up to but not limited to: litigation, mediation with your broker, liens (including license sanctions where permitted), etc. If there was a true oversight, don’t panic. Simply reach out and we’ll work it out.

  1. I have been working with a customer that is now showing as a HEC member and viewed my bio. Am I still required to pay the referral fee?

    1. It depends. If it has been more than 30 days since your last contact with the customer, then yes, you owe the referral fee. You would be responsible for providing us with any correspondence between you and the customer for verification otherwise. If you have been communicating with the customer in the last 30 days AND a relationship has been established, then we will waive the fee. (NOTE: Automated services including, but not limited to, searches, emails, texts, etc. do NOT constitute a relationship and the fee would still apply.)

  1. HEC member is selling his current property and buying another. Member is also looking at purchasing a couple investment properties. Am I required to pay the referral fee for each transaction?

    1. Yes. Remember where that client came from? Right…. the Home Expert Connect Platform! But rest assured, any referrals you get from that client are not subject to the referral fee. So, take care of the member and they’ll take care of you!